Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Grammar and Comprehension

I have had many teachers ask about how to incorporate grammar in their literacy instruction.  I recently read an article by Timothy Shanahan, distinguished professor at the University of Illinois and Founding Director of the Center for Literacy, where he addresses this exact issue.  He writes in response to the following 4th grade teacher's question:
I'm a fourth grade special education teacher in NYC. Our school has acquired a new reading/writing program and has discontinued a grammar program we've used for several years. In the new program the grammar component is virtually non-existent. On a gut level I feel that students are struggling with test questions, even math ones, due to lack of practice/knowledge of grammar. They simply don't understand what the questions are asking. I was wondering what your opinion/research shows as far as the relationship between grammar instruction and reading comprehension. Do you have any preference as far as grammar programs/teaching methodologies go?
Shanahan's reponse

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